Eyeson MCU+ allows you to integrate nearly every media stream in your solution. In this demo, we integrated publicly available live streams based on HLS/Dash to see for yourself.
Copy the guest link from the running meeting by pressing Shift + i.
Paste the link in the box below and press join the meeting.
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or enter
Now head over to your eyeson meeting to see the embedded stream.
You can invite more participants by simply sharing the guest link (Shift + i).
Disclaimer: All streams are public available. We are not responsible for the content and we don't guarantee that streams are working all the time.
Still there?
Looks like you're inactive. You will be logged out in 59 seconds.
Leave meeting
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How it works
Eyeson allows developers to integrate nearly every media stream into a meeting. This allows you to cover use cases like situation rooms for fast response units, fire departments, or even for infrastructure maintenance, as well as video analysis, coaching meetings, and even watch parties.
In this proof-of-concept, your browser gets the source media stream and sends it to a running meeting.
- Every participant sees the same video stream
- Recordings of the meeting with the full scope of the situation
- Additional data can be added (e.g. weather, position information)
For this demo, we only accept HLS and DASH streams. But you can easily integrate your desired stream into a meeting.
Check our developer blog for a How-to.
eyeson supports every modern browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari to name the popular) and therefore nearly every device.