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Eyeson One View API

Merge all sources into a single video stream and achieve complete sync.

Eyeson for Salesforce
Video meetings inside Salesforce, guided workflows & compliant document sharing.
Eyeson Stream Recorder
An unmatched solution for capturing streams across any sector.


Eyeson MCU+ allows you to change the look & feel of your video meeting on the fly. Test and see a few examples of the endless possibilities for yourself.

Start meeting

Start a meeting using an Eyeson WEB account or API key.

Copy guest link

Copy the guest link from the running meeting by pressing Shift + i.

Paste link & join

Paste the link in the box below and press join the meeting.

Please enter the guest link of a running eyeson meeting & select a layout in the next step:

Click through the variations below to display the layout examples in your meeting.
NOTE! For this demo, we've prepared static placeholder images to give you a better idea how it'd look like in a real scenario.

Displaying multiple use case specific layouts possible with Eyeson

How it works

Eyeson allows developers to define and integrate nearly every media stream into a meeting. This allows you to cover use cases like situation rooms, town hall meetings, newsrooms, etc. for every use case you can imagine.

In this demo, you can switch the layout and the background and foreground images of a running meeting with one click.

For the best experience invite your colleagues and friends.

  • Every participant sees the same video stream
  • Recordings of the meeting with the full scope of the situation
  • Additional data can be added (e.g. weather, position information)

Schedule your personal 1-1 live demo

We are happy to walk you through a live demo and answer your questions to find the perfect solution to your individual needs.